Original Article
Published online: 2017-12-27
Multidimensional tests as a fundamental diagnostic tools in the prophylactic and therapeutic agonology – methodological basis of personal safety (Part I: non-motoric simulation)
Multidimensional tests as a fundamental diagnostic tools in the prophylactic and therapeutic agonology – methodological basis of personal safety (Part I: non-motoric simulation)
Roman Maciej Kalina
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 795 | Downloads: 916 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Changes in muscle stiffness as the effect of karate tournament fight
Changes in muscle stiffness as the effect of karate tournament fight
Andrzej Zarzycki, Kazimierz Witkowski, Beata Pożarowszczyk, Martyna Kumorek, Aleksandra Kisilewicz, Małgorzata Smoter, Łukasz Korpal, Paweł Piepiora, Adam Kawczyński
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 2466 | Downloads: 918 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Social status and declared benefits of a personality nature by adults people practising karate
Social status and declared benefits of a personality nature by adults people practising karate
Kazimierz Witkowski, Paweł Piepiora, Marcin Leśnik, Juliusz Migasiewicz
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1407 | Downloads: 790 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Chronic effect of strength training on vertical jump performance in parkour practitioners
Chronic effect of strength training on vertical jump performance in parkour practitioners
Jaime Aparecido Rocha, Ronaldo Angelo, Mariana Paulino Oliveira, Leszek Antoni Szmuchrowski, Bruno Pena Couto, Marcos Motta Drummond
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 2822 | Downloads: 881 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The use of cardio training facilities in training 7-9 year old judo athletes
The use of cardio training facilities in training 7-9 year old judo athletes
Eduard Yurevich Doroshenko, Andrii Vyacheslavovich Svatyev, Sergii Sidorovich Iermakov, Władysław Jagiełło
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 997 | Downloads: 1004 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and basic affective responses during different moments of a single capoeira progressive training session (CPTS)
Heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and basic affective responses during different moments of a single capoeira progressive training session (CPTS)
Sérgio Moreira, Alfredo Anderson Teixeira-Araújo, Mariana Camara, Ferdinando Carvalho, Thaynã Bezerra, Anastácio Souza Filho, Karina Silva, Eduardo Costa
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 6353 | Downloads: 1027 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Can physical tests predict the technical-tactical performance during official judo competitions?
Can physical tests predict the technical-tactical performance during official judo competitions?
Rafael Kons, Jonathan Ache-Dias, Daniele Detanico
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 3281 | Downloads: 1177 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Reliability of ultrasound measures of supraspinatus tendon thickness and subacromial space in judo athletes
Reliability of ultrasound measures of supraspinatus tendon thickness and subacromial space in judo athletes
Sebastian Klich, Aleksandra Kisilewicz, Beata Pożarowszczyk, Mirosław Fic, Wojciech Seidel, Krystyna Chromik, Adam Kawczyński
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 4640 | Downloads: 914 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Effect of mechanical vibration applied in the direction of the resultant muscle forces’ vector addition on maximal isometric force production in judo athletes
Effect of mechanical vibration applied in the direction of the resultant muscle forces’ vector addition on maximal isometric force production in judo athletes
Mariana Oliveira, Bruno Teobaldo, Maicon Albuquerque, Luciano Prado, Leszek Szmuchrowski, Sara Andrade, Marcos Drummond, Eduardo Pena, Reginaldo Gonçalves, Diego Campos, Bruno Pena
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1631 | Downloads: 875 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The course of judo competition created by gold medalists of the World Judo Championships 2015 in Astana
The course of judo competition created by gold medalists of the World Judo Championships 2015 in Astana
Ryszard Pujszo, Marek Adam, Beata Wolska
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 5297 | Downloads: 1076 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Is there a difference by sex in simple reaction time and impulsivity in Junior Brazilian Judo Team athletes?
Is there a difference by sex in simple reaction time and impulsivity in Junior Brazilian Judo Team athletes?
Thiago Ferreira, Franco Noce, Israel Costa, Márcio Vieira, Varley Costa
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 3840 | Downloads: 1034 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Personality and the nutritional habits of athletes using the example of the Polish national youth female wrestling team
Personality and the nutritional habits of athletes using the example of the Polish national youth female wrestling team
Paweł Piepiora, Magdalena Superson, Kazimierz Witkowski
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1413 | Downloads: 813 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The effect of preparation period trainings on respiratory muscle strength of hearing impaired judokas
The effect of preparation period trainings on respiratory muscle strength of hearing impaired judokas
Özgür Bostancı, Mustafa Özdal, Hakan Mayda, Menderes Kabadayı
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1425 | Downloads: 640 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Are there sport-related differences in the patterns of gender among professional male athletes?
Are there sport-related differences in the patterns of gender among professional male athletes?
Helena Mroczkowska, Jan Supiński
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1342 | Downloads: 738 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The effect of extreme sports on oxidative stress
The effect of extreme sports on oxidative stress
Eser Aggon, Ozturk Agirbas, izzet ucan, Anthony C. Hackney
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1453 | Downloads: 1009 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The effect of instructional conditions on competitive state anxiety and free-throw performance in adolescent basketball players
The effect of instructional conditions on competitive state anxiety and free-throw performance in adolescent basketball players
Hossein Soltani
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 2089 | Downloads: 1162 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The effectiveness of acquisition and retention of free throw skill by beginner basketball players through different methods: implicit learning of equipments modification (ILQM) and explicit learning (EL)
The effectiveness of acquisition and retention of free throw skill by beginner basketball players through different methods: implicit learning of equipments modification (ILQM) and explicit learning (EL)
Mohsen Afrouzeh, Mehdi Sohrabi, Ali Reza Saberi Kakhki, Sobhan Sobhani
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1538 | Downloads: 1425 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Differentiation of the somatic composition of students physical education specialising in various sports
Differentiation of the somatic composition of students physical education specialising in various sports
Marina Jagiełło, Sergii Sidorovich Iermakov, Mateusz Nowiński
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 822 | Downloads: 834 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Relation between knowledge about assessment criteria of susceptibility test of body injuries during a fall and body control during the test
Relation between knowledge about assessment criteria of susceptibility test of body injuries during a fall and body control during the test
Andrzej Mroczkowski, Dariusz Mosler, Ewa Paulina Gemziak
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1265 | Downloads: 714 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Does acute weight loss and gain affect hydration status in adolescent wrestlers?
Does acute weight loss and gain affect hydration status in adolescent wrestlers?
Erkan demirkan, emre avcı, Ramazan gargi
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1624 | Downloads: 943 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round
Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round
Jurandir Silva, Raulyson Salerno, Vitor Hugo Passos, Gabriel Paz, Marianna Maia, Haroldo Santanna, Rodrigo Vale, Rodolfo Nunes, Vicente Lima
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 4762 | Downloads: 1058 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
The effects of impact forces and kinematics of two different stance at straight punch techniques in boxing
The effects of impact forces and kinematics of two different stance at straight punch techniques in boxing
Bergun Meric Bingul, Cigdem Bulgan, Ozlem Tore, Mensure Aydin, Erdal Bal
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 5894 | Downloads: 1328 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Influence of acceleration of the fist on the effectiveness of the straight punch in taekwondo
Influence of acceleration of the fist on the effectiveness of the straight punch in taekwondo
Jacek Wąsik, Zbigniew Borysiuk, Štefan Balkó
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 2132 | Downloads: 1020 |
Published online: 2017-12-27
Prevalence of sports injuries and chronic pain in athletes practising kickboxing and taekwondo
Prevalence of sports injuries and chronic pain in athletes practising kickboxing and taekwondo
Dariusz Boguszewski, Jakub Adamczyk, Anna Obszyńska-Litwiniec , Izabela Korabiewska, Aneta Dąbek, Dariusz Białoszewski
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1656 | Downloads: 1153 |
Published online: 2017-02-14
Impact of one year judo training on body symmetries in youth judokas
Impact of one year judo training on body symmetries in youth judokas
Tim Kambič, Raša Sraka Vuković, Luka Vuković, Jožef Šimenko
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 2942 | Downloads: 1627 |
Published online: 2017-01-11
Special indices of body composition as a criterion of somatic development of martial arts practitioners
Special indices of body composition as a criterion of somatic development of martial arts practitioners
Leonid Vladimirovich Podrigalo, Sergii Sidorovich Iermakov, Władysław Jagiełło
Abstract | Full text |
Views: 1584 | Downloads: 1601 |