2016, Volume 12, Issue 1
The role of a combat sport coach in the education of youth – a reference to the traditional standards and perception of understanding the role of sport in life of an individual and society
Kazimierz Witkowski1, Patrycja Proskura1, Paweł Piepiora1
1Nauk o Sporcie, AWF Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Nauk o Sporcie, AWF Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora[at]awf.wroc.pl
Full text
Background and Study Aim: In traditional standards of youth education an exceptional role is assigned to the sports activity. However, the contemporary professional sports career is tempting due to the possibility of bringing fame, wealth and even power. This raises justified concerns whether such prospect prevails among coaches and youth athletes. The aim of the research is to obtain data about the role of the combat sport coach in the education process of youths, in the opinion of both entities: coach and combat sport athlete.
Material and Methods: The study included 60 top athletes and 30 coaches from Poland, from which every 20 athletes and 10 coaches were the representatives of three combat sports: judo, Greco-Roman wrestling, and kickboxing. The study involved diagnostic survey and the questionnaire.
Results: Most of coaches are aware of their educational mission, essential pedagogical competences, which should be similar to teachers. Most of Polish combat sport athletes declare that their coaches play an important role in their educational process.
Conclusions: Similar views of combat sports coaches and athletes allows us to draw a conclusion that most coaches prefer educational values to the opportunity to concentrate their activities on sports achievement. Cultivating these values suggest that competent coaches of combat sports can play an increasingly important role in the expansion of all health dimensions (somatic, mental, and social) of youth and their survival abilities.
Key words: health-related training, fair play, budo, achievement sport, sport pedagogy, sportsmanship