2017, Volume 13, Issue 1

Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round

Jurandir Silva1, Raulyson Salerno1, Vitor Hugo Passos1, Gabriel Paz1, Marianna Maia2, Haroldo Santanna2, Rodrigo Vale3, Rodolfo Nunes4, Vicente Lima1

1Biodynamic Laboratory of Exercise, Health and Performance,, Castelo Branco University, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil
2School of Physical Education and Sports, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil
3Postgraduate Program in Exercise and Sports Science , State University of Rio De Janeiro, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil
4Postgraduate Program in Exercise and Sports Science , State University of Rio de Janeiro, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil

Author for correspondence: Jurandir Silva; Biodynamic Laboratory of Exercise, Health and Performance,, Castelo Branco University, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil; email: profjurandirsilva[at]hotmail.com

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Background & Study Aim: Despite the large number of competitive activities, the combat sports has been presenting a large growing in several countries. One these modalities is the Muay Thai (MT) and wrestling (WE). MT and WE are characterized as intermittent combat modalities, performing maximal and submaximal strikes and grappling techniques. The purpose of this study is knowledge about the hemodynamic indicators as organisms as the body's response post combats between MT and WE professional athletes.

Material & Methods: This study was composed by 20 subjects (10 male athletes of MT; 10 male athletes of WE) in preseason with 28.06 ±6.43 years of age. The combat sessions were initiated after five-minute interval post warm up session. Each pair of athletes (i.e., MT and WE) performed a high intensity round with the duration of five minutes. The coaches instructed the athletes to implement as many strikes or attacks as possible. The blood pressure (BP) and HR was measured 15 seconds (Post), and 10 (P10), 20 (P20), 30 (P30) 40 (P40), 50 (P50) and 60 minutes (P60) post combat.

Results: Significant main effects for group was noted for systolic blood pressure (SBP) (p = 0.0001). Post hoc pairwise comparisons showed higher SBP was found significant (p = 0.009) under MT versus WE group only at 10-minute post combat time point. Considering the MT intra-group differences, the SBP significantly increased compared to resting value at 30-minute (p = 0.012) time point and reduced at 40-minute (p = 0.005), 50 minute (p = 0.001), 60 minue (p = 0.004) time points versus rest value. There were no intra-group differences for SBP under WE group. Additionally, there was no difference intra and inter groups for diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

Conclusions: The results of the present study indicated that MT presented greater SBP and RRP than WE athletes after a high intensity round. Therefore, these results indicated that major combat mode performed by athlete provide specific hemodynamic adaptations and responses post combat and these measures can be implemented to monitoring the  state of the athletes organism during training programs.

Key words: grappling techniques, diastolic blood pressure, combat session, hart rate, rate pressure product, strikes techniques, systolic blood pressure

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Silva J, Salerno R, Passos V et al. Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports. 2017;13


Silva, J., Salerno, R.., Passos, V.H.., Paz, G., Maia, M., & Santanna, H. et al. (2017). Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 13


Silva, Jurandir, Salerno Raulyson , Passos Vitor Hugo , Paz Gabriel, Maia Marianna, Santanna Haroldo, and Vale Rodrigo et al. 2017. "Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round". Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 13


Silva, J., Salerno, R.., Passos, V.H.., Paz, G., Maia, M., Santanna, H., Vale, R., Nunes, R., and Lima, V. (2017). Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 13


Silva, Jurandir et al. "Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round." Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, vol. 13, 2017


Silva J, Salerno R, Passos VH et al. Hemodynamic subsequent responses between Muay Thai and wrestling professional Brazilian athletes after a high intensity round. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 2017; 13