2018, Volume 14, Issue 1
Physical fitness, developmental age and somatic development of youth Greco-Roman wrestlers and school youth aged 13-14 years
Kazimierz Witkowski1, Paweł Piepiora1, Juliusz Migasiewicz1, Jarosław Maśliński1, Adam Salachna2
1Faculty of Sports Sciences, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
2Department of Physical Education, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Faculty of Sports Sciences, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora@awf.wroc.pl
Full text
Background and Study Aim: Many research reports confirm that regular sports training stimulates the development of physical fitness of children and adolescents. The aim of the study was knowledge about physical fitness, developmental age and somatic development of fifteen-year-old students whom some of them systematically trained wrestling and the physical development of others was stimulated only by PE school exercises
Material and Methods: The research was carried out on a group of 50 people (32 non-training sports, 18 practising Greco-Roman wrestling) at the age of 13-14. Eight attempts from the International Physical Fitness Test were used in the measurements. The developmental age was also defined, and the height and weight were assumed as indicators of somatic development. Statistical calculations were made with the t-student test.
Results: There are significant differences in the level of physical fitness between the wrestling group (positive results) and the school youth group. In the studied groups, weak correlations between individual test samples were observed. Strong correlations were demonstrated among somatic features.
Conclusions: The results of our research, combined with the reports of other authors, authorise the recommendation that wrestling belongs to the optimal means of stimulating the physical and somatic development of school-age youth.
Key words: International Physical Fitness Test, PE, sport training