2018, Volume 14, Issue 1

Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men

Robert Bąk1

1Faculty of Physical Education, Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland

Author for correspondence: Robert Bąk; Faculty of Physical Education, Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland; email: robo@interia.pl

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Background & Study Aim: Loss of balance is a common cause of the fall, which could result in body injury or even death. The aim of the study was the relationship between the body balance disturbation tolerance skills and susceptibility to injured during the fall of young women and men.

Material & Methods: Two non-apparatus tests were studied 51 students of the 4th year in the field of tourism and recreation (27 women, 24 men, aged 22). Rotational Test (RT – non-apparatus version) measures the body balance disturbation tolerance skills (BBDTS). RT consists of six tasks (consecutive jumps with body rotation of 360° alternately to the right and to the left). The overall result is the sum of the six tasks and includes 0 to 18 stipulated points. Criteria of an individual level of BBDTS are as follows: very high (0-1), high (2-3), average (4-9), low (10-12), very low (13-15), insufficient (16-18). The susceptibility test to the body injuries during the fall (STBIDF) – total points is a general indicator of the susceptibility to body injuries during the fall (SBIDF): low (0), average (1-3), high (4-8), very high (9-14). Relatively for particular body parts (SBPIDF): low (0), average (1), high (2-6).

Results: In total, 50% of men and 33% of women were diagnosed as very high and high BBDTS. On average, 37% of women and 29% of men, while low and very low 30% women and 21% men. Almost 75% of the surveyed women and men were characterized by low or average SBIDF, and 7% of women and 8% very high risk of injury when falling. A statistically significant relationship SBIDF with the high BBDTS was found (men r = 0.639, p<0.01; women r = 0.583, p<0.01).

Conclusions: Easy to use non-apparatus tests can be used in broadly understood, continuous fall prevention and injuries prevention (including also necessary education). These three occurrences related to the cause-effect relationship. Unfortunately, despite the unique achievements of Polish scientists, they still remain beyond the perception of the entities responsible for public health.

Key words: fall prevention, injuries prevention, non-apparatus test, public health, Rotational Test

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Bąk R. Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports. 2018;14


Bąk, R., (2018). Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 14


Bąk, Robert. 2018. "Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men". Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 14


Bąk, R., (2018). Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 14


Bąk, Robert "Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men." Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, vol. 14, 2018


Bąk R. Relationship the body balance disturbation tolerance skills with susceptibility to the injuries during the fall of young women and men. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 2018; 14