2018, Volume 14, Issue 1
Relationships between susceptibility to injury during falls and physical fitness and functional fitness of musculoskeletal system. Pilot study.
Dariusz Boguszewski1, Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk2, Andrzej Ochal1, Dariusz Białoszewski1
1Department of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Division, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2Institute of Theory of Sport, Academy of Physical Education of Józef Piłsudski in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Author for correspondence: Dariusz Boguszewski; Department of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Division, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; email: dboguszewski@wum.edu.pl
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Background & Study Aim: The opinions on the role of physical fitness and physical on the effects of falls on health are, however, divided. The purpose of the study was the relationship between the ability to fall safely and physical fitness and the functional state of the motor organ.
Materials & Methods: Ninety-four women and men aged 19-24 were studied. The ability to fall safely was tested using Kalina’s non-apparatus the susceptibility test to the body injuries during the fall (STBIDF, Polish: TPUCPU). Physical fitness was determined using the International Committee on the Standardisation of Physical Fitness Test: ICSPFT. The functional limitations to the motor organ were determined using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) by Gray Cook and Lee Burton.
Results: The studied the overall susceptibility to injury during falls test result (average: men 5.61-, women 4.76-; weighted arithmetic mean 5.04 points) that demonstrates an high proneness to bodily injuries (SBIDF). The most errors were made with an incorrect position of the head (men 1.87-, women 1.68-; weighted arithmetic mean 1.74 points) and hands (men 1.81-, women 1.62-; weighted arithmetic mean 1.68 points). A statistically significant negative correlation was observed between the overall SBIDF Index and the FMS Index demonstrating that persons that made fewer errors in the STBIDF tasks achieved better results in the functional trials. No significant correlations were noted for the SBIDF test results and the overall ICSPFT, as well as biometric data.
Conclusion: Persons who high FMS scores made the fewest errors in the STBIDF. This might prove an interdependence between the motor organ functional limitations and specific motor abilities, such as the ability to self-regulate.
Key words: Functional Movement Screen, International Committee on the Standardisation of Physical Fitness Test, non-apparatus test, preventive, quasi-apparatus test