2019, Volume 15, Issue 1
M&SH Questionnaire – a simple method of measuring mental and social health from the perspective of public health prevention
Roman Maciej Kalina1, Elżbieta Kondzior2
1State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz, Nowy Sącz, Poland
2Primary and Secondary State Music School, Suwalki, Poland
Author for correspondence: Roman Maciej Kalina; State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz, Nowy Sącz, Poland; email: kom.kalina@op.pl
Full text
Background & Study Aim: The necessity to estimate mental health and social health, even in the simplest way, is not questioned. Both phenomena belong to the key elements of the widely and narrowly understood public health. The aim of this paper is recommendation the M&SH Questionnaire as a simple tool (method) used to measure mental and social health in order to verify the Profile of Sense of Positive Health and Survival Abilities that was in advance determined based on declaration of a single respondent.
Material & Methods: The prototypes of the M&SH Questionnaires are based on verbal simulations tools for assessment of the phenomena involving particular human actions performed under difficult and extreme conditions. Verification of validity of the accepted concept involving mental health and social health measurements using simulation methods, as well as verification of each indicator, was based on the assessment of five independent experts in pedagogy, psychology and health science (2 professors and 3 PhD). All these competent judges have many years’ experience in scientific exploration based on simulation methods and pedagogical practice involving preparation of a person for actions under difficult and extreme situations.
Results: The M&SH Questionnaire consists of 12 statements (or questions) informing about hypothetical situations with the respondent participation. The result of each respondent’s declaration is based on five-point scale (conventional points, which simplifies statistical analysis): 5 (declared answer indicates a very high level of mental and/or social development); 1 (the opposite of such a conclusion); 4, 3, 2 remain in the middle.
Conclusions: The authors recommend using M&SH Questionnaire as a simple tool of estimating mental health and social health based on the described simulated situations, which meet the required validity standards of empirical study methodology. The validity of using this questionnaire will be finally determined based on the results of independent (of the authors) verification of this research tool reliability and the results of research using M&SH tests associated with different diagnostic. prophylactic and therapeutic effects.
Key words: KK’98 questionnaire, KK\'017 questionnaire, described simulated situations, mixed assessments, verbal simulations