2023, Volume 19, Issue 1

Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts

Jan Harasymowicz1

1Paweł Włodkowic University College, Płock, Poland

Author for correspondence: Jan Harasymowicz; Paweł Włodkowic University College, Płock, Poland; email: janharasymowicz@wp.pl

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In this dialogue, an expert of a martial arts sub-discipline discusses with artificial intelligence (AI, ChatGPT 4) about the ethics of competition in martial arts and sports. The starting point for the considerations is the analysis of five key recommendations for teaching self-defense, which were formulated by the expert on the basis of a previous dialogue with AI. The dialogue addressed issues such as the role of sports competition, the importance of the philosophy of Olympism, the ethics of fair play and the challenges related to brutal forms of competition related to gladiatorial games. Participants in the dialogue emphasized the need to comply with the principles set out in the Code of Ethics of the International Olympic Committee, including respect for the dignity and good – physical, mental and social – of a human being.

Key words: self-defence, gladiatorism, fair play, Code of Ethics of the International Olympic Committee

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Harasymowicz J. Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports. 2023;19


Harasymowicz, J., (2023). Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 19


Harasymowicz, Jan. 2023. "Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts". Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 19


Harasymowicz, J., (2023). Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, 19


Harasymowicz, Jan "Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts." Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports, vol. 19, 2023


Harasymowicz J. Dialogue of an expert with artificial intelligence about the ethical problems of competition in sports and martial arts. Arch Budo Sci Martial Arts Extreme Sports 2023; 19