2022, Volume 18, Issue 1
A thing about understanding postural defects
Kazimierz Witkowski1, Paweł Piepiora1
1Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora@awf.wroc.pl
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The premise for writing this communication was the difficulty of students in systematizing their knowledge of the main issues of postural defects. Therefore, the authors made an attempt to make postural defects more understandable. Reference was made to basic relevant concepts from the terminology of the physical culture sciences that are commonly misinterpreted. Consequently, the concepts of postural defects were discussed according to a utilitarian value system. This material is a contribution to the social discussion on postural defects in the 21st century.
Key words: performance, physical activity, physical culture